Network Marketing... Why would you do that? A Story of Discovering Purpose.

Well its been awhile... Writing is definitely an outlet for me. As some of you know I was doing the Breath Practitioner program through Breath Integration and graduated in July.
Now that I am completed I have found myself yearning to get back to my blog. As part of my completion I was asked to write three speeches and perform them. I choose to write one on my Why with Neora, my side business. After being a part of the company for 5 years, going through ups and downs, it took a bit more digging than I thought to really get to to the core of what keeps me doing this biz daily.
As I read this speech to my teachers and fellow students I found myself crying. Its a vulnerable thing to really dig deep and find your purpose. I have decided that as I move into committing to my business and growing to the next level it is time to share with you all my why. Maybe it will inspire you to take a look at this incredible company and look past your fears and doubts about network marketing (because I had them too and I am forever grateful I got over them).
5 years ago I found myself tired, I was pregnant with my first born, I was excited and nervous. My husband and I were doing our best to pay off the debt we had accrued during our recent home renovations. As a nurse this meant picking up overtime at the hospital, something that was not exciting for me at all.
Enter my sister Mikayla with a bottle of Night and Day cream! Creams, I didn’t use creams, but I pretty much do everything my older sister says so I tried the darn things. And she was so excited! My sister who had two little kids and a very busy schedule went from being tired and overwhelmed to lite up with excitement over the possibilities in these two bottles.
I couldn’t deny the products worked, my skin felt like a baby’s bottom after the week long use, but I still said “Heck no!” to the business side of things.
Why? Because I was freaking terrified!! Sales wasn’t for me, I couldn’t go out and ask my friends to spend money on something I believed in. What it it was all a scam? What if I got in and lost it all? What would people think of me doing this thing?
Dramatic I know but its crazy what your brain will convince you of when in a state of fear. Something in me must was curious enough to keep asking questions. Part of me was looking for a way out of the nursing grind and be able to create more options for my family, more flexibility, more fun!
So for three months I stood back and watched my sister shine, for three months I sat on the sidelines doubting it was possible for me, for three months I sat in indecision letting my fears run the show when my heart was calling for me to just do it already! Pretty soon my heart won the war and I was able to say yes and jump in!
At first I joined to make some extra money, pay off some debt, create an extra income stream while being off with my baby, but it has evolved so much over these last few years.
For awhile my why was about helping others succeed, having had lots of success from the beginning after letting myself choose me, I wanted to inspire others around me with the same fears and doubts that it was possible for them too.
Then it changed to earning lots of money to create more options for my family, but I quickly learned that money is not the best motivator for me.
Then it was competition… why are they there, I want to be there, push harder, it’s a competition. But I know now that is Ego and that is not where I want to be.
Now my why is me! Through so much personal development I realize that I do this business because I love it, I love helping someone have an incredible result and feel more confident in their skin, I love when people feel great with the use of our wellness products, energetic and full of life. I love when someone joins this opportunity, can earn their products free and work on creating more income for their families!
I love the people I have been able to connect with, the supportive culture of making people better and creating a ripple throughout this world. The trips are incredible too!! Getting to meet people I have been connecting with online in person is something so special!
This was so evident when I did my first Breath Integration free presentation, where two of the people in the audience were people who I have become close with through this company. I was so grateful for their support.
I love that by creating more of what I want, stepping through fears, and working on letting go of others opinions of what I do that I become stronger in the woman I am meant to be.
I am grateful for the opportunity to show my kids a different way to earn income, by doing a business from home, I include them in my activities, they see me setting goals, doing the activity to achieve them, and we celebrate together!
In closing I want to share a quote that has been a useful tool for me in stepping into new opportunities where my fear is running the show:

Life exists on the edge of our comfort zone, and if you can choose to listen to your intuition and follow your heart I know you can have the life of your dreams too. It is not always easy but I choose to do things that light me up and make me feel like I am living to my fullest potential!
Thank you for reading! If you liked this I am going to make an effort to share more here, subscribe below!