
Breath Integration
Why Breathwork:
Since my late 20's I have been looking for answers. I felt so connected and excited about life when I took time off between my science degree and nursing to travel the world. I met tons of incredible people, had the most exhilarating experiences, I felt ALIVE!
I came home and settled in, met an incredible man, got a good "stable" nursing job, got engaged, bought a house. Then one day the panic started to sink in. I felt anxious about getting married, about the life and the box I was creating. There was a part of me that felt trapped, like it was taking everything for me not to run away. Thats when I discovered Breath Integration.
I had my first breath session about 10 years ago. These Breath sessions were giving rise to these incredibly peaceful, happy people who all spoke so highly about this method. My curiosity was peaked. Looking back I know me saying yes to my first session was a pivotal moment in my life. I am forever grateful for my curious and open nature to explore new things.
I have taken the six month Personal Empowerment Training, completed the 7 month Breath Practitioner Program which allows me to offer this method of healing to others, and am currently finishing my 3rd level of leadership training so I can continue to serve my community at a higher capacity. Breathwork has made such an impact on my life and it is my privilege to share this gift with the world.
Effect on my life:
This work has left me feeling connected to source, to my intuition. It has given me a sense of peace and contentment with the present moment, empowered me to step out from the barriers and blocks and live my full potential. I have also developed the tools to be a more kind and compassionate mother, wife and entrepreneur. It has given me the courage to be authentically me.

Breath Session:
Included in a session:
1 hour consultation
30 minute guided meditation using a connected circular breathing method
Sessions available in person or via video conferencing
Cost: $150 includes GST - Packages available
Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to book a Breath session for yourself!
Let life surprise you! Find your inner truth, live life to your fullest potential!
Affiliated with: Breath Integration Coaching &
Training Centre
Rikki Andrew