Mompreneurs Desire to Have it All: The Struggle and Triumph

Are you the type of woman who is motivated to constantly grow, learn and achieve?
Do you love being a full time mom, giving all to your kids; helping them grow, learn and develop?
Or maybe you have a yearning to have something just for you outside being a mom. A desire to have it all and be one incredible mompreneur!
Well here is my story of the past couple years, some exciting breakthroughs and struggles that have taught me so much about how to move through the struggle to come out stronger on the other side.
It started with saying yes to my network marketing company while being 6 months pregnant! I actually had other moms look at me sideways when I told them about my new venture: "Why wouldn't you just want to chill and collect EI all year?". Nothing wrong with that, I think being a SAHM is a full time job with lots of rewards. But at the end of the day it just was not me. I was excited to be taking on a new adventure, scared yes, but also VERY VERY EXCITED!!
So I jumped in with both feet! I found it exhilarating and so rewarding to be doing something totally new. I was able to be a mom to Jase and run my side gig, and to be honest he really came everywhere with me: when he would nap I would connect with people, do my calls, and grow my business. It was so FUN (pic below of Jase and I at our National Convention!).

Then came baby number two. Gahhh she is amazing, I love my little girl to pieces. But the juggling act was intense. First few months of sleepy haze left me struggling to just keep sane, let alone take care of two, clean the house, make food, and get out of the house (gosh I remember the first few times I did it solo with both kids, one ending in both kids screaming and me crying).
This was also a time in my life when things in my business got shaken up. I lost a good friend and leader to another company. I was slightly in shock for awhile and honestly didn't really believe it at first. It was the best decision (I see that now) and I am glad she did what she had to do for herself and her family, but it still didn't feel good at the time.
So here I was, mom of two, feeling busy and tired and like things were spinning out of control. There was major turmoil deep down inside of me. I wasn't living up to the high expectations I had placed on myself, I wasn't hitting the goals I had set, I was beating myself up for not doing enough. For not being present with my kids, working so hard and not getting anywhere. I wanted to sleep a lot, I wanted time to slow down, I wanted things to be different. This my friends is called living in a pile of FEAR, and instead of facing it I shoved it down, WAY WAY down!! Who likes dealing with FEAR, and SADNESS and DISAPPOINTMENT!?! Not me.
So what to do to get back on track?
There is only one way through my friends, when things get tough you need to face it!
You need to FEEL the emotions.
Cry if you are exhausted and haven't showered for days and just want to do NOTHING!!
Deal with it and ask for help (something I continue to work on).
Do the things that bring you joy! Go outside, exercise, learn something new, meet new people!
Read good books, listen to good audio, remember your why, remember the reason you continue to push yourself to new heights!!
So when I started doing these things, my inner voice went from being harsh and critical to more gentle:
"This is tougher than I thought, maybe my expectations were too high, maybe my goals needed a longer timeline, maybe I am doing my best and that is what is important, maybe its time to ask for help, to share that things aren't always perfect, that its okay to cry, that I can acknowledge myself for all that I have accomplished not all the things I have not, that my journey is mine and no one else's, that the lessons I need to learn are for me, that this life is a gift."
Once this dialogue changed I could start to heal and move to a more loving place.
Life is still a balancing act of being a great mom to my kids, a kick butt momprenuer, a loving wife, and a woman, but if I have learned anything from this past year is that struggle makes us stronger! It is in the times of our greatest need, our greatest fear, our greatest pain, that we find the strength to rise above, to grow to new heights!!
This blog and website came from this time in my life. And in retrospect it was really not that bad, I still loved being a mom, I still loved doing my business, I had TONS of support and guidance.
I want you to know that if you are going through a hard time being a mom, an entrepreneur, a or just a person you are not alone. Life is meant to have challenges that push you. I found a quote the other day about this:

But most of all don't give up on your dreams! Don't give up on yourself! Your dreams and desires were put there for a reason. You have the potential to see them all to fruition, you just need to move through and BELIEVE!!
I believe in you and all your potential, that is my mission, to help others see their potential, to listen to the voice inside of you telling you that it is possible.
Thank you for reading, I am humbled and honoured and would love your feedback.